Our goal is, so that every customer gets exactly such software that is needed. Without compromising and need to customize to it. Simultaneously the development must be as cheap as possible.
Price-performance ratio
We are able to develop software completely customized to your processes for competitive price.
Factual knowledge
While developing software we rely on deep factual knowledge of concrete field.
Uniform environment
GIST Aplikace platform offers intuitive environment for all partial agenda.
We have taken the inspiration from automotive industry :-). We have developed uniform platform and all our solutions use the same components for same issues. Actually our situation is better than car producers’ one. We can produce every component just once and can use it in many solutions for all customers. But the final product, resulting software, is always as specific as your processes are unique.
GIST Aplikace is one concept, one platform, but it is not bundled software at all. Every solution is tailor-made according to your requirements.
Creating tailor-made product means to understand the problem in the context of concrete field and company. That is why segment knowledge matters to us and we try to share experiences of customers within the same field.
We have reached the greatest know-how accumulation in one field in water supply probably – you can get an idea about concrete orders based on the references. And with the same thoroughness we will start to understand to your field as well. If you help us, we would be glad to share with you the success after repeated implementation of your solution.
Do you know it as well? You have a number of single-purpose applications and same codebooks are not the same in all of them, you have to copy data from one application to another one and you have to learn a few ways of control. Yes – you can buy “uniform” SAP, but for a number of us this is a bit expensive and bit limiting environment.
We cannot supply you with accounting, but nearly all other agendas you can get in one GIST Aplikace. All data are entered just once, all agendas are controlled by one intuitive way and it offers friendly user interface for all users. And accounting data can be linked automatically.
Don’t you know, if you need ERP, CRM, HRM, BPM, EAM, DMS, GIS or BI? Desktop or web version? It doesn’t matter
GIST Aplikace uniform platform has multiple-function status. We interconnect features typical for data warehouses, process applications, technical applications, document management system, geographical information systems, reporting BI applications etc. The name does not matter - what matters is required functions.
Using most up-to-date technologies enables us to easy combine desktop, web or mobile environment based on which is most appropriate.
Through GIST Aplikace we have already solved a lot of unique requirements in various types of organizations – from small to largest ones. Yet there are some typical spheres of our customers’ activities, which repeatedly need software support. Quite often we solve eg. accounts of maintenance and investment orders, trusteeship or collection, processing and visualization of technical, production or operation data. But this is just a small subset of implemented solutions.
„GIST Aplikace is accelerating processes, consolidates data and makes user experience more comfortable. GIST Aplikace is a uniform software framework, but not a retail software. We have created within this framework a number of individual solutions with specific features for a few spheres – under one heading. Most of the projects cover water suppliers and our deep understanding of this segment is unmistakable in the result. You can be sure, that we will understand your business in the same detail level. You can get an idea about our results through selected References.“
Jaroslav Jindra
GIST Aplikace Manager
GIST company has developed for us a number of longterm used SW applications. Users are very satisfied especially with cost planning of internal orders and management portal. We appreciate that GIST company projects our requirements to the development of GIST Intelligence tool as well.
Ing. Jiří Kotyza
IT Department Manager
I would like to use this opportunity to express my thanks and appreciate professional approach of GIST specialists regarding both professional and organizational aspect during realization of our projects – orders. Especially I would like to thank to “GA” team, as this team attended to us from the design of the solution up until resulting evaluation.
Ing. Jiří Šolc
General Manager